About Us

UKWebtronics is a small company outside Worcester run by two friends who can turn their hands to almost anything I.T. related.  We specialise in helping small businesses and sole traders, going that extra mile to make sure our clients are 100% happy and have the confidence to update and maintain their websites themselves. In many cases, our work and support has been so valued we’ve ended up not just building and hosting websites, which is our core business, but building new computers, installing wireless networks and helping with mobile phone problems.

Adam Thresher adam@ukwebtronics.comSkype Call Skype Chat

Adam specialises in system administration and website design. His pride and joy are the servers which he nurtures with the utmost care to ensure that everything is secure and backed-up each day.  When he’s not doing that, he’s working his day-job as an system developer at Tesco, where he’s been ever since leaving full time education.

If you have any queries, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at support@ukwebtronics.com (and don’t forget that initial chat and advice is free)